Tuesday, 10 December 2019


Bigipedia looks at the history of the confusing educational children's programme Plinky ; a singing parasite called the "Segmented pip worm"; and Bigikids covers the subject of fear. Kirshen said in the same interview: Bigipedia is a website broadcast on the radio. The second series was made available on AudioGo from 5 December Radio picks, July 18—24". Doody and Kirshen describe the show as "writing-heavy". bigipedia 2.0

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Bigipedia The Bigipedia logo.

bigipedia 2.0

Bigipedia covers the ever growing Chianto slick of the Gulf of Mexico, as the red and white versions mix to create a Chianto ovum.

The second series begins with reports of a gigantic Chianto slick in the Gulf of Mexicoa parody of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Bigipedia brings us the social networking website BigiBuzz ; we learn about the talent show Britain's Got Butchers and the "Cacophony" - the world's worst stealth bomber ; and easily-scared paranormal investigator Felix Richards visits Britain's least haunted stately home.

Among the similarities are articlesbiipedia pagesdisambiguation pagesfeatured articlesa news section and a " Did you know?

Bigipedia: What's New in Bigipedia 2.0? (Episode 1, Series 2)

blgipedia Views Read Edit View history. Bigipedia receives a collection of personal adsBigikids looks at how to be a spy ; there is a tutorial about how to make music using Bigiband software biigipedia and there is a featured article on "The Bee Whisperer", a Welshman who was the only person to keep bees for their company and not their honey. I don't remember what the page we got was, but about three logical leaps later we landed on that idea.

The second series was made available bigipedoa AudioGo from 5 December Some of the sketches in Bigipedia are inspired directly by articles on Wikipedia. Kirshen said in the same interview: Retrieved from " https: Bigipedia articles covered include "Pandoratane", the most adhesive substance known to man; and a look at clouds which form the shape of words.

bigipedia 2.0

Critics have given Bigipedia positive reviews. Bigipedia differs from Wikipedia in some ways.

What's New in Bigipedia 2.0?

Clare Heal in the Sunday Express gave a mixed review, saying that while she found it amusing, it was too similar to the Internet saying, "The programme's only failing was that on occasion it was a little to [sic] reminiscent of the real Internet, ie a virtual ocean full of morons willing to shout loudly about bihipedia even or perhaps bigipediw if they know nothing about them.

Written by Nick Doody and Matt Kirshen, performed with zest by a sparkling cast.

The Wisdom Of Crowds". Retrieved 13 July Retrieved 2 August The programme ends with Bigipedia playing "prerecorded programmes" while they attempt to stop the Leviathan.

BBC Radio 4 Extra - Bigipedia, Series 2, What's New in Bigipedia ?

By using this site, you agree to the Bitipedia of Use and Privacy Policy. This week looks at bgipedia featured article about The Linethe greatest TV series ever made; a selection of Bigipedia screensavers including one featuring ducks; a debate on whether an actress is notable enough to get her own article; and a look back at Chianto's politically incorrect adverts of the s.

It was revealed by Doody on his Doubling Up podcast with Rob Heeney that there was an extended edition biglpedia "The Line" sketch, which he broadcast on the show. Retrieved 5 July Elisabeth Mahoney in The Guardian said that she liked the Chianto running gag, [5] while Vigipedia Reynolds from the Daily Telegraph commented positively on Bigipedia saying it was, "the first late-night comedy in ages that has made me laugh, about computers and why I'm scared of them, about vile TV shows and meaningless commercials.

Bigipedia launches BigiHypea sure-fire way of raising the profile of anything from a new event to an unpopular charity.

Bigipedia Series 2, Episode 1 - What's New In Bigipedia ? - British Comedy Guide

The series mocks Wikipedia and other aspects of the Internet. BBC Radio comedy programmes radio programme debuts radio programme endings radio programme debuts radio programme endings BBC Radio 4 programmes British radio sketch shows Parodies of Wikipedia.

Guest starring chess grandmaster Jonathan Tisdall. Retrieved 11 November At the end of the series, a mix of white and red Chianto in the slick result in the creation of a Chianto " ovum ", which hatches at the bottom of the sea as a monstrous party-animal being called the Chianto Leviathan, which makes its way to the Bigipedia servers in Mexico.

bigipedia 2.0

Doody and Kirshen describe the show as "writing-heavy". Retrieved 4 June The reviews of Bigipedia have been mainly positive. Retrieved 4 August

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